DGGV Annual Meeting 2024    

Dresden, 23 – 26 September 2024






DGGV membership: Join us!

Orals | Posters

Instructions for oral presentations

Duration of oral presentations: 15 min. (incl. appr. 3 min. for discussion).

All conference rooms are equipped with a computer (Windows 10) and a beamer.

Please bring your presentation files saved on USB-Stick to the conference, please DO NOT bring your own notebook.

We suggest PowerPoint 16:9 (preferred; if possible no PDFs).

Upload the presentation to the computer of your session room latest in the break before your session starts. A technician will help you to upload your slides.

Instructions for poster presentations

Each poster should be the size of the upright German DIN A0-format which equates to 841 mm width x 1,189 mm height (33.11 in x 46.81 in).

Please note that the organizers are not able to provide printout of posters.

POSTER AWARDS: Three best posters of (PhD) students will be selected by a jury and awarded. The selected posters will be awarded during the Closing Session on Thursday, September 26.


A DOI number (Digital Object Identifier System number) will be assigned to every abstract. All abstracts will be published in the DGGV media library. https://www.dggv.de/e-publikationen/

Copyright and GDPR for Abstracts

The undersigned hereby assigns the DGGV all rights under copyright that may exist in and to the above work and abstract including the rights to use, distribute, publish, record, broadcast, reproduce and archive the work online and offline.

The undersigned warrants that the work is original and that he * she is the author of the work. The undersigned has obtained all necessary permissions to grant the license above.

Furthermore, the undersigned grants the DGGV the permission to use, distribute, publish, record, broadcast, reproduce and archive, his * her abstract at the conference in any format or medium.

The DGGV GDPR which applies can be found here.


The author agrees that a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier System number) will be assigned to his * her abstract and the abstract will be published on the DGGV website.


The undersigned confirms that he * she has the power and authority to submit his * her abstract(s). For jointly authored works the signing author signs as authorized agent for the others.

The author agrees to present his * her contribution in presence or virtually. We are planning a presence meeting but whether that is feasible depends on the current situation in autumn 2024.


Submit your abstract


A cordial thank you to







F&U confirm

Permoserstraße 15

04318 Leipzig | Germany

Phone: +49 (0)341 6025 1828

geosaxonia2024 (at) fu-confirm.de


Abstract-Submission & Program (Mario Helm): geosax-abstract (at) fu-confirm.de

Sponsoring & Exhibition (Susanne Lange): geosax-exhibition (at) fu-confirm.de