DGGV Annual Meeting 2024    

Dresden, 23 – 26 September 2024






DGGV membership: Join us!



Registration fees (EUR)


Early BirdOn-SiteRegular295375410375510455230315395MembersNon-membersUnemployed and retired

140195250170295225190240300240285350B.A./M.A. Student membersB.A./M.A. Student non membersPhD/Doc Student membersPhD/Doc Student non members

Early bird: The early bird fee is valid for registration and payment up to and including 27 June 2024.

Regular: The regular fee is valid for payment until 17 September 2024.

Conference Dinner (Buffet | Ballhaus Watzke): 50 EUR | PhD/Doctoral Students: 45 EUR (including a beverage voucher).

Field Trips / Exkursions:

Fees see here.


  • Lehrer - Workshop Earth Learning Ideas

All Workshops are free.

Social programme:

Dinner on Wednesday, 25/Sept/2024 at 7:00 pm

Location: Ballhaus Watzke  (Kötzschenbroder Straße 1, 01139 Dresden)

Price: Regular = 50 EUR // PhD and Doctoral Students = 45 EUR

Terms of registration and cancellation:

  • The registration of participation is binding.
  • If you have to cancel the registration, you get 80% back until 30 days before the start of the event. In all other cases, the financial responsibilities of the participants remain fully effective.
  • Tickets for the conference dinner and fees for field trips will not be reimbursed (unless the field trip is cancelled).
  • The participation fees are owed upon registration and are payable within 7 days following submission of the registration.
  • Participation is not guaranteed until full payment of the registration fee is received.
  • The conference program may be subject to changes.
  • Registrations remain valid if the conference has to be altered to a virtual meeting.

Please note the following additional information concerning data protection:

  • At our conference you will be asked to wear a name badge.
  • Furthermore, photos might be taken or films shot, members of the press might attend. Upon request we will gladly provide you with more details, or ask us on-site during the event.
  • I agree to be informed about all matters of this conference by the organizers via e-mail.


The conference fee can be reduced by becoming a member of the DGGV.

Obtain your membership here.


  Register here

A cordial thank you to







F&U confirm

Permoserstraße 15

04318 Leipzig | Germany

Phone: +49 (0)341 6025 1828

geosaxonia2024 (at) fu-confirm.de


Abstract-Submission & Program (Mario Helm): geosax-abstract (at) fu-confirm.de

Sponsoring & Exhibition (Susanne Lange): geosax-exhibition (at) fu-confirm.de